We Should use TypeScript or Not? 🤔

We Should use TypeScript or Not? 🤔

Hello👋 developers , My name is Md Taqui Imam and i am a web developer,

On March 13, 2023 React developer team announced that create-react-app would be removed and there would be no update. Whereas they recommended using other methods for creating react apps such as Next.js , remix or Gatsby etc.

Many developers are choosing Next.js because of its helpful in-built features and optimizations, And while installing Next.js with create-next-app it asks some libraries to like Do you want to install typescript yes/no .

Many developers who are not familiar with Typescript they have question in their mind they should use Typescript in their project or not .

TypeScript has become an increasingly popular programming language in recent years, especially for web development. As a typed superset of JavaScript, TypeScript offers several key benefits:

Improved Code Quality ✔

One of the main advantages of TypeScript is that it catches errors and bugs early on in the development process. TypeScript introduces static type checking to JavaScript. This means any variable or function has a defined type like string, number, boolean, etc. So if you assign a string to a variable meant to hold a number, TypeScript will throw an error. This allows you to catch bugs and inconsistencies in your code right away rather than run into issues down the line. Overall, types help reduce bugs and improve general code quality.

Better Tooling ✨

The fact that TypeScript is typed enables much better editor tooling support. Your code editor can provide real-time information and autocompletion as you code because it knows the types of variables and functions. This offers a much better coding experience compared to regular JavaScript. The typing also allows your editor to refactor and rename code much more reliably.

Easier Code Maintenance🚀

TypeScript's explicit types make it easier for teams to maintain and build large scale applications over time. The code is self-documenting - you can understand what types a function expects and returns. Adding new features and onboarding new developers onto a codebase is simpler with TypeScript's typing system.

Support for Modern JavaScript Features⭐

TypeScript provides early support for and compiles newer JavaScript features down to more compatible JavaScript. This includes things like classes, modules, arrow functions, etc. So you can leverage newer language capabilities while still maintaining compatibility across browsers.

Optional Static Typing 💻

TypeScript does not force everything to be typed. It remains flexible and allows you to add types where you want and get the benefits incrementally. You can choose which parts of your codebase to explicitly type or not. This makes adopting TypeScript gradual in existing JavaScript codebases.

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In summary, using TypeScript for development provides type safety, better tooling, easier maintenance, access to modern features, and more. Many large companies like Microsoft and Google now use TypeScript for their web apps. Overall, TypeScript enhances developer productivity and code quality.

Thankyou for reading this article,

Happy Coding 😊

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