โจ Morgan Package in Node.js ๐ฅ
Morgan Package Tutorial - Master Logging with Node.js for Beginners
Welcome new Node.js learners! In this blog post, My name is Md Taqui Imam and i am a Full Stack developer.
Today, I will explain how to use the Morgan logging package to log requests in your Node.js applications. This will help you debug and monitor your apps better.
What is Morgan?
Morgan is a popular HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js. It logs details about incoming requests to your server and outputs them to the console. This helps you inspect traffic and debug issues.
Morgan is available as an NPM package and can be installed using:
npm install morgan
Why Use Morgan for Logging?
It's simple and easy to set up in your app
Provides insight into your server traffic and requests
Lets you log different request details like method, URL, status code, etc.
Useful for debugging and monitoring app performance
Helps track down issues and errors
Many formatting options available for custom logging
How to Use Morgan Logging
1. Install Morgan Package
First install Morgan using NPM:
npm install morgan
2. Import and Initialize Morgan
Then in your main server file, import and initialize Morgan:
const morgan = require('morgan');
3. Set Logging Format
Next decide the logging format. Morgan has some common presets like combined
, common
, etc.
For example, to use the combined
This will log details in Apache combined log format.
4. Place Morgan Middleware in App
Now place the morgan middleware in your Express app:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Rest of app
Morgan will now log all incoming requests to your app!
The logging will look something like: - - [23/Apr/2020:10:27:08 +0000] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 35 "-" "Mozilla/5.0"
This shows the client IP, date, requested URL, status code, response size, etc.
5. Use Custom Tokens for More Details
You can also create a custom Morgan logging format with tokens to log specific data points you want:
app.use(morgan(':method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms'));
This will log the method, URL, status code, response length and response time.
That covers the basics of setting up Morgan for logging in your Node.js and Express apps! Refer to their docs for more advanced usage.
Logging requests with Morgan gives you useful insights into your app traffic. It's easy to set up, customize and great for debugging issues.
Other helpful logging packages are Winston and Bunyan. But Morgan is simpler and great for basic request logging in Node.js apps.
I hope this tutorial helped you understand Morgan logging! You can now quickly add professional request logging to monitor and troubleshoot your Node.js backend apps.