A Cool underrated feature in Typescript 🤯

A Cool underrated feature in Typescript 🤯

Hello developers 👋, My name is Md taqui imam, i am a Full Stack web developer, today i will tell you "A Cool TypeScript Feature You Might Not Know About: as const".

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Have you ever worked with types in TypeScript and found yourself wanting more control over how those types behave? Well, there's a handy little feature called as const that can help with that.

as const is a way to make type checks stricter by preventing certain operations on a value. For example, let's say we have an array:

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];

By default, TypeScript sees this as an array that can contain any string. But what if we wanted TypeScript to know that this array will only ever contain these three specific string values?

That's where as const comes in. By adding it, we make TypeScript treat the array in a more "specific" way:

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] as const;

Now instead of just being a string[], fruits is seen as the specific tuple type ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'].

This means TypeScript will give us errors if we try to add or remove items from the array. It knows the values are "locked in".

as const works on other types too. For example, you could mark an object as constant to prevent adding or removing properties:

interface Cat {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const garfield = {
  name: 'Garfield', 
  age: 10
} as const;

Now garfield is seen as an object with very specific fields, rather than a loose Cat interface.

Here are some examples of "as const" :

Here are some more examples of how as const can be used in TypeScript:

Enum Types

You can make an enum as const to remove the implicit number types:

enum Colors {

let c = Colors.Green; // number

enum ColorsAsConst {
} as const;

let c = ColorsAsConst.Green; // ColorsAsConst.Green

Tuple Types

Mark a tuple as const to make its types very specific:

let tuple = [1, 'two'] as const;

tuple[0].toFixed(); // OK
tuple[1].toLowerCase(); // OK

Function Return Types

Mark a function return value as const to narrow its type:

function createError() {
  return {message: 'an error'} as const;

const err = createError();
err.message = 'something else'; // Error

Object Properties

Objects marked as const prevent adding/removing properties:

interface Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;

const p = {x: 0, y: 0} as const; 

p.z = 0; // Error

So in summary, as const brings immutability and more precise types to enums, tuples, return values, objects and more!


So in summary, as const is a nifty way to make types more strict and specific in TypeScript. It helps communicate your intent when you want values to be immutable. Give it a try on your next project!

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Happy Coding 😊

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